Saturday, November 26, 2011

Putting Up The Tree

After the Elf on the Shelf breakfast, we kept the holiday spirit going by putting up the Christmas tree!

The reason there are no finished pictures of the tree is because - once we got to about this point in our decorating - we realized that the new tree we'd just recently bought was WAY too small for our living room space.  So, we moved it into the dining room and, after lunch and SJ's nap, we headed out to Lowe's for a bigger tree!  It was a bit of a pain to have to buy two new trees this year, but all of our old trees have been in the family since our college apartment days, so we've definitely gotten our money's worth out of them.  Plus, anyone who knows me well knows I don't mind have an extra Christmas tree at all - the more trees, the merrier!

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