Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

There probably won't be any blog updates for a few days as we're getting ready for my brother's wedding this weekend. I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off- I have so much to do! It takes a lot of thought and preparation to get me, Saunders, and Katie Anne packed and ready for a weekend away... especially a weekend that involves a lot of dressing up. Katie Anne is taking 5 pairs of shoes herself- what a diva! Then, we have to get the animals all situated, we're taking Christmas card pictures with Saunders's parents tomorrow evening, I'm tutoring tomorrow night... oh yeah, and I still have to work, don't I!? Too much to do in a 24 hour day!

Fear not, though... I will make up for a lack of posts this week by posting all the wedding extravaganza after we get back. Katie Anne's got a super cute cherry dress and shrug from the Jolly clan to wear to the rehearsal dinner and a gorgeous dress from Gigi and Granddad to wear to the wedding. (Well, actually, she's got to stay in the nursery during the wedding... :( ... but, she will debut it at the reception!) So, rest assured there will be plenty of posts filled with pictures when we get back from NC.


Sharon G said...

Have fun at the wedding!!! We are still trying to upack from our trip back east for my brother's wedding!!! Hannah was a hit at the reception...showing off her dance moves...I'm sure KA will steal the show too!!! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!

Vanessa said...

Have so much fun this weekend! I can't wait to see pictures!

Stacey said...

Congrats to the wedding couple! I can't wait to see pictures! And when you get back, your job is to teach me how to post pictures on my blog and have the pictures towards the left and the writing going down the side. I can do it but then there are huge gaps between my pictures!