Sunday, July 13, 2008

UGA ECE Five Year Reunion!

On Saturday afternoon, we had a reunion for all the UGA ECE girls. It has been 5 years since we graduated (May 2003). Carrie Beth graciously hosted us all at her beautiful house (which all our nutty kids did there best to destroy), and we all brought yummy snacks to share. Along with their families, the following UGA girls came: Erin (Grey) Jolly, Kristin (King) Wyatt, Jennifer (Kesler) Allen, Stacey (Sheneman) Lancaster, Carrie Beth (Spivey) Posener, and me. We missed those who couldn't make it. We had a great time catching up on old times!

It is funny, because (with the exception of Jennifer) we all have blogs, and a lot of us are on Facebook. So, I feel like I am pretty caught up on what's going on with everyone. Although we don't get together in big groups that often, we do get together in small groups on a pretty regular basis.

A lot of people don't have a group of friends that they're still in touch with five years after graduation. I'm very happy that we've all stayed close. It is so neat to get together now that everyone is married and has (or is having) kids... I was thinking yesterday as we drove home from the reunion about when we were all in college. We were all so excited about being teachers, stressed about school work, worried about when (or if!) our boyfriends would propose, and all that. Now we've all moved, taught school, gotten married, had kids... it is just neat to go through that progression as a group.

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