Friday, April 3, 2009

Katie Anne's School Party

This afternoon, we had Katie Anne's birthday party at school. That's what we made the cupcakes for last night, and she was beyond excited... the first thing she said this morning when I woke her up was, "Hey Mommy, it my birthday party. We eat cupcakes!" She had a hard time understanding that the party would be in the afternoon, but when I said I'd be there with all the treats when she woke up from her nap, she got it. When I got there, Miss Amanda said that her party had been all Katie Anne had talked about all day, especially that there would be cupcakes. And she was so excited, she barely took a nap at all! Here is a digital scrapbook from our fun afternoon.

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The kids had such a great time at the party... they knew exactly whose birthday it was and were so excited about the cupcakes when Saunders and I walked in! We brought the cupcakes we'd made, plus fruit gummies (a big hit with the two's class) and Cheetos (also a favorite). Katie Anne and and her good friend Mia P. sat together and chatted the whole time, and it was so cute. It is so fun to watch Katie Anne interacting in her little environment with her friends. With the exception of one little girl that gives Katie Anne a hard time, KA seems to get along with everyone really well. (That other girl had been bullying KA and had bit her a few times, but Katie Anne popped her hard in the head one day last week, and it seems to have put a stop to it!)

After the party, we went outside for Kite Day, which was supposed to be last week but was rescheduled due to rain. Miss Amanda asked that her class bring in windsocks instead of kites since they're too young to control kites, and that was a wonderful idea. The kids had a great time running around with their windsocks flying behind them. Katie Anne loved her fancy windsock with the stick for flying it high, and it only cost me $1 at Dollar General! So, the fun of Kite Day only added to the joy of the party day.

Now, I'm off to bed early tonight to catch up on some sleep before the party tomorrow. It won't be another midnight bedtime for me tonight because we had some reinforcements this evening. Big thanks to KA's grandparents for helping us get some party stuff set up tonight! My mom, dad, and Saunders's mom helped by cleaning the basement, delivering tables, moving play equipment, and bringing over dinner. (We missed Saunders's dad - he was working. As Katie Anne says, "Doc go play that music.") More pictures to come from Katie Anne's other party tomorrow!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

So cute! We are excited about the big party today! Oh - and I love her birthday girl shirt :)