Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I've Got Her On Retainer

Katie Anne found my retainers in the back of my bathroom drawer last week. She was entranced by them, wanted to know what they did, and - of course - wanted to try them out!

I got these retainers made in eighth grade when I got my braces off, so that would be sometime in the spring of 1995... about 14 years ago! She wanted me to try them on and show her, and so I did... surprisingly, they both still fit!

I can't believe they still fit, although admittedly a little more snugly than the last time I wore them, which was probably six or seven years ago. I guess that's a testament to Dr. Acuff who did my braces, and to the fact that I wore them every night until I was in college!

**Also, Katie Anne took that picture of me all by herself with my camera! Budding photographer!


cindy glawson said...

I can't believe they still fit you. I think Greg's are still here. I wonder.......

Vanessa said...

Interesting....I can't believe you still have them!

The Dillards said...

Wow. I finally got rid of mine when I moved into Brad's house when we got married. Mine even had pictures in them. Pooh and Tigger in the top and Eeyore in the bottom.